Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mt. Albert Edward

Tim is here! To celebrate, he and I climbed Mt. Benson. That was fun, but nothing like what we had planned for the weekend. We returned to the Forbidden Plateau, but this time with a summit attempt in mind! The first day, we climbed to Kwai Lake. On Saturday, we left our packs behind and pushed to the top of Mt. Albert Edward. It was an adventure like none of us has ever experienced, but it was truly incredible. It's the 4th highest peak on the mountain, but from where we stood, it felt like the top of the world. Enjoy the pictures.
Camping on Kwai Lake, close to where we were last time.

It wouldn't have been any fun without a gruelling climb. Bear in mind that we had to go down this later, too.
I love the panoramic setting. Here you have an alpine meadown, with some forbidding peaks in the background. Bear in mind that Albert Edward is taller than those.
Tim and Sarah celebrating a small victory. We weren't anywhere near the summit, but it felt good.
Mountain ice is so cool... There's Albert Edward up behind me.

We're still smiling because we don't quite know what's ahead of us.

Here you want to refer to our last trip to the Forbidden Plateau (pictures in a previous post). See that cliff in the background? that's Cruickshank Canyon. Now I scoff at its insignificance!
Sarah in from of some alpine lakes, with tiny little Cruickshank Canyon in the back.
Tim needed a picture like this. As a trophy.

Albert Edward! Check out the icefields down the slope.

Don't be fooled, she was tired.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kids: I am moving there! Every picture you sent was like a post card. I'll live with you guys. Hope you don't mind 3 kids, a dog and a husband too? How are things? We're busy here. Your dad still there? Hope all is well there. It's all good here. School starts in 6 days!!!! YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Take Care. Miss you guys lots. Love Aunt Shelley XXXXXXXXXXX000000000000000

Remi said...

Incidentally, there is a Mt. Aveline on Vancouver Island, I think it overlooks Barkley Sound.
