Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back to school...

For better or for worse, I find myself back in classes this September. For those of you who might not already know, I was accepted into Pharmacy at UBC - four grueling years ahead of me! I've been to two days of classes and despite the fact that I feel like I'm going to be clobbered by Organic Chemistry, everything is looking pretty good. My profs all seem reasonable and I've met some nice first year "pharmers", as we call ourselves in pharmacy.

Right now I'm chilling before my "White Coat Ceremony", which is this evening. It's a glorified name for receiving your pharmacy student lab coat ;) I guess it's a big welcome to all the first years and we're so proud to have you here, blah blah blah. Sounds boring. Remi was supposed to join me, but has been lucky enough to have had his contract extended in Nanaimo, so he's on another landmass (good excuse, hunny!). Remi is continuing his summer practicum at Malaspina with the prawns. His boss obviously loves him and is apparently recommending him for all sorts of things around campus, which is great, but we really want him HERE, in Vancouver. So far the job search has been a little disappointing, but I'm sure he'll find something here soon.

Anyway, I should organize some stuff for tonight. Thanks to everyone who's been posting comments on our blog! We love to hear from all of you. Again, anyone can post a comment if they sign in under "Anonymous". Just remember to sign your post so we know who you are :)

Later gators :)

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