Friday, September 22, 2006

A little update...

Hi, all. I haven't written anything substantial on here in a while and I guess a few of you might be wondering how my first three weeks of pharmacy school have gone. In one word GREAT. To elaborate, I love it. I really do. We're looking at practical cases, learning about treatment regimens (although very basically), learning how to identify DRPs (drug-related problems - pharmacy lingo!) and stuff. I'm also meeting some amazing people. My class is so diverse! I've met people from all over BC, a guy from Halifax, Asian people, Indian people, Caucasian people... We've all been through different levels of schooling and different life experiences. Lots of people are my age and a bit older, but some are as young as 19, I think, with just one year of university experience!! It's amazing.

What have I been up to? Well, besides attending classes and labs, not a whole lot. I'm getting used to the hour commute (each way!) that I have to take daily. I've finally gotten over my bus-sickness and I'm actually starting to enjoy the bus. I even was able to read a little bit of my personal reading (right now I'm reading "Skinny Legs and All" by Tom Robbins for all who are interested - very entertaining, as is usually the case with him) without getting a headache. Thursday was actually an almost magical bus ride. I was listening to some solid 80s/90s tunes ("Rock Lobster", "Sunglasses at Night", "Let Your Backbone Slide", "Breakfast at Tiffany's"... the list goes on) and the people on the bus were very interesting (as usual) and it was an almost surreal moment. Then the sun came out and was shining on my face and I looked over Vancouver (I can see downtown framed by the mountains) and there must have been a sun-shower because there were two rainbow strips over the city. It was beautiful and I fell in love with BC all over again. Yes, that's all very strange and I'm strange, but you all love me, so there!

But then Thursday kind of fell apart... I got home and talked to Remi and then to my parents, then I changed my WestJet flight for October (all good things) and then ... I walked Maggie (cue evil music). We were merrily trotting along (myself still floating on my bus-ride happiness) and then... out of nowhere... PSSSHHHHHHHTTTT! Maggie is sprayed by a skunk!! (OK, so I'm leaving out the part where she chased and provoked the thing...) I was slow to react because I thought it was just a cat, but no... As we walked away *sniff*sniff* "Maggie... YOU STINK!!"

So we made a hasty retreat home and I quickly bathed her (which she hated and we fought and wrestled and she probably thought I didn't love her anymore). I noticed the smell was localized on her face, so proceeded to scrub her cheeks and chin with a washcloth covered first in dishsoap (I thought it would dissolve the skunky oils) then in a vinegar/baking soda concoction (I googled it) and then I gave her three or four treats, hugged her a lot (avoiding her stinky face, which was hardly stinky anymore) and we went to bed. LONG evening. HORRIBLE.

Then there was today... Another fabulously beautiful day. Great bus ride, but... (again, evil music) I left my pencil case on the floor in my first class!!!!!! (I have to make a hasty retreat from one class to the next or else risk sitting on the cold, hard floor, as there are not enough seats for all students - NOT cool) So, after class (during which I was sans highlighters - VERY not cool) I made a hasty RETURN to said classroom only to find (duh duh duh....) my pencil case has been removed!! (I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that it was stollen, but I am suspicious... It was a slammin' pencil case) After searching the classroom and the chemistry office, I left, dejected and headed to work. I'm hoping some kind soul gave my pencil case to my prof and it will be safely returned to me on Monday. It wouldn't be a big deal if it was just the case and a few pens - those things are replaceable. BUT, it contained therein my calculator!!! I've had it since the beginning of high school and I'm old and set in my ways and I don't want to learn how to use a new one *sniffles*

OK, I think this post has gotten a bit out of control. All in all, life is grand. For those of you who don't know, Remi got a job in Vancouver last week!! YAY! Unfortunately his current boss is being uncool (much like the cold-hearted individual who stole my pencil case!) and has asked him to stay until the end of the month. The good news is that this new job is actually a career starter and advancer. His boss has mentioned possibly helping Remi through a masters. VERY cool. But I'll let him elaborate (mostly because that's all I really know besides the fact that he'll be working with fish - surprise, surprise ;)

Anyway, I'm off. Hopefully you've enjoyed my tale of happiness and a little (very little) woe. For those of you who might be wondering, Maggie barely stinks at all now. I think it must have been a baby skunk or something. Lesson learned though!

Good night!

Love Sarah

PS. In case Megan and Julien are reading this, good luck with the rest of the wedding planning. I've been meaning to mail our RSVP for about a week now, so if I never actually get it into a mailbox: Yes, we will be attending and there are 2 in our party. We can't wait ;)

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