Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mt. Albert Edward

Ice fields on the way to the top. We were running out of water at the time, so we drank from here. The water was delicious and so cold. Despite the ice, the air and sun were hot, and we all burned.
Last push to the summit. The ground was all rocks and gravel, which made walking all the more difficult. The summit behind us looks close, but it took us close to an hour to get there.

The summit! 2094m up. Fourth highest mountain on the Island. Absolutely exhausted, but it was totally worth it!

Sarah on the summit.

Panoramic from the top!

I wasn't allowed to take my tripod, so this picture is a little off centre, but I still like the shot. In most places, we were so high I got vertigo.

I was exhausted and found a little shaded nook that was perfectly cooled. It also had an incredible view of the valley below. Looking too closely at this picture, I get vertigo all over again!
If you zoom in, you'll see Tim and I on the top of that cliff. If I'd known I was that close to the edge, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it. Cool though.
Maggie was pooched, nice to rest here.
This slope was between us and the bottom. So we all slid down it however possible. Sadly, we don't have a picture, but Sarah did it on her bum.

As we were going back down, we got another view of the summit of Mt. Albert Edward. Hard to believe, but we actually climbed that whole way up!

It took us a few hours to walk the rest of the way out, but we made it, sore and tired. Poor Maggie is still limping from the effort, but she had fun. Our legs are all still toast, but worth it.


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