Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Perfect morning for snowshoeing!

The following photos are from January 8.  Remi and I did our usual hike up Mt Seymour.  We left early and had amazing weather.  Clouds hiding the city and beautiful sunshine above. Our only complaint was that the snow was a little crunchy.  Oh, and there were hoards of people!

Just getting started.  Maggie was still on leash at this point - because of all the people!

Apparently the avalanche risk was very high.  We didn't attempt the third peak because of this.  Some experienced-looking guys at the top said they wouldn't try it and we didn't have our ice axes so we certainly weren't going up there!  Sliding off the side of a mountain would sure ruin MY afternoon!
But the back-country was STUNNING!

A panoramic, of course!
We're still accepting visitors :)

Sarah & Remi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How I wish I could be one of your visitors! One of these days...

It's been said before but it bears repeating, great photography. I always look forward to the pics and stories.

Pretty nice for a "local hike" eh?
