Sunday, February 20, 2011

Masson Family Vacation (Christmas 2010)

Ann and Alain were nice enough to treat us to a trip over to Bowen Island for a couple of days before New Years.  This is taken while we waited for the ferry in White Cliff Park (I think it's called) in West Vancouver. As is the photo below.
The little harbour at Bowen was very cute and had a great view of the Mainland.  Bowen is only a short ferry ride from the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal.  People actually commute from here to Vancouver for work!
 While there I tried my hand at knitting.  Is it obvious I have no idea what I'm doing?  I'd like to say that I've gotten much better, but there's not much time to practice during my pharmacy residency.  I've had to put knitting on hold until I'm done this program (can't wait for June!).
We started our days on Bowen with amazing gourmet breakfasts!  The place we stayed at was far off the beaten track and very quiet.  Our view was also lovely.  If you're looking for a place to stay over there, we'd certainly recommend it.  Bowen Island Hideaway B & B.
We'd then head out to see the sight.  The island is cute but we were very disappointed with the "art" on the island.  Many of the "artists" who were selling their "work" were often jacks of many trades who seemed to do art as a hobby rather than a profession and it showed in the work!  Head to Salt Spring if this is what you're looking for, not Bowen!
There was a great restaurant on the island - Italian/French food.  VERY yummy pizza and mains.  The restaurant was very homey and the chef was great.  It was called Tuscany.

After returning to Vancouver we kind of bummed around, doing day-hikes and relaxing (as you can tell from the next two photos).
We went out to the dykes at Pitt Lake which is where the following photos are from.
 It was a chilly day!  Ann and Alain clearly brought the cold weather from Toronto!
 I never tire of seeing bald eagles.
 And we were lucky enough to run into three river otters.  Remi took more pictures of these little guys than he did the family!!  So cute!
 A blue heron.
 The family :)  This photo was taken by some guy who didn't seem to want to leave us for a quiet family walk.  He then proceeded to show Ann and Alain all his pictures!!  Remi and I kept our distance ;)  We later saw him selling some of his photos to some suckers!
 The timer took this one :)
We also went to Stanley Park and Granville Island while Ann and Alain were here.  The usual haunts we take all the tourists who visit us.  Our door is always open!!

Sarah & Remi

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