Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bike Rides and Farm Tours!

Remi bought me a bicycle for my birthday this year (again out-doing me for gift ideas!!) and we've been out and about as much as we can so far this year.  I'm pretty sure there have been other rides, but I wasn't able to find them in our pictures.  The dragonflies are from a ride we did by the Seymour River.  They were mating and then ended up in the water.  While they dried off, Remi took a few shots.

These last are a couple videos of the Seymour River ride.  We're traveling quite quickly, as the videos clearly show!!

This next one is just our new bike rack.  We're still not sure if it will stay in place on the car, but we're hopeful!
The last couple pictures were of Stanley Park.  See the seal!  I spotted it from shore.  Some marine biologist Remi is ;)
We went on a farm tour the weekend before last out in Delta.  It was great fun and we picked up some fabulous produce.
I love the farms!!  I think I probably said "I could live out here" about a zillion times.

The last photo is the door of a winery we tried to visit.  We went inside and some woman was already in there talking to the lady behind the counter so Remi and I wandered around the store.  We wandered and wandered and wandered...  All the while the lady behind the counter sounded like she was trying to convince the woman that not all fruit wines were dessert wines and that she should really try some.  I ask you: what the eff was this woman doing at a FRUIT WINERY if she had no interest in fruit wines!!??  Finally she deigned to try some, decided to purchase a bottle and then they chatted for an extended period of time about this woman's upcoming trip to South Africa.  Remi and I finally decided to leave and as we're walking out the door the lady behind the counter says: "Oh, do you need help with something?"  And Remi mutters: "Forget it."  Did she think we were there to admire their decor??  Unbelievable!!  Perhaps we should have told her that we just bought four bottles at the fruit winery down the road and that we're not lowly, unemployed students (or whatever she thought we were) but were actually INTERESTED in wine!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah you are too funny, you should have let on you had a handgun or something that would have gotten her attention.

Note bears het hungrier and so do other wild life at this time of year, so when camping watch you backs.

Just before we left the park, on early am at 4...I heard the coyotes talking then when Rosie and I were sittin on the step and one coyote walked down our road like it owned the place.