Monday, September 13, 2010


It's been pretty miserable out the last few days, but it's still nice to play in the mountains on the north shore. It's also an excuse to keep playing with black and white pictures.

Lots of huckleberries up there, which means the few bears that aren't scrounging for garbage down the slope are probably up here.
I didn't see any, but after the summer we've had I'm being pretty careful.

I had some chores to get done in Vancouver, and I got lost in some back streets. Something you might not know about Vancouver: there are lots of old buildings from a more industrial time. Most, like our provincial government are derelict; and unlike our government, should probably be preserved.

Sarah and I have passed this building a few times, and I finally got a chance to take a picture. I think this one is only 80 years old or so, but the company is still around.

Another shot of the same building.

I stole this from their website. The building as it looked in the fifties or so, judging from those cars.

This picture didn't turn out the way I wanted, but here it is anyways.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Makes me want to by a camera and start learning how to use it... Great shots!

