Sunday, September 19, 2010


I went back to Ontario to visit my family in Southampton for the last week of August.  Mom and Dad picked me up in London (which was at least a zillion times easier than flying into Toronto, but which had an unfortunate stop over in Calgary at 12:30 AM for an hour...) at the "buttcrack" of dawn.  It was gorgeous and Remi would have LOVED the light, so I took a couple of pictures out of the moving car.  This was the best.
Keenan came over that afternoon, oh, with Kristin ;)  And we played on his bike.  He loves his bike, the swings, the slides and this crazy froggie (picture to come later) in the park near Mom and Dad's place.
It was very hot.  We hit the pool a couple of times.  Keenan was apprehensive at first, but after distracting him by tossing him in the air a few times, we got him to the centre of the pool.  After that, he was kicking away and loving it.
 We also hit the beach.  I love this picture with the Popsicle. He is soooooo serious about it!
Dad creamed me at horseshoes.  It was like 21 to 6 or something.  Pitiful!
This was the end of our main family day.  Ice cream on me :)

On the way back to Mom and Dad's Keenan got side-tracked.  This is the aforementioned froggie.  When they first arrived and we were playing horseshoes he took off and I thought he was running for Grandma and Grandpa who were across the pits.  But he burned right by them and over to the frog ;)
We played some badminton.  Keenan was actually really getting the hang of it.  He would put the birdie on his racket and try to fling it at the net ;)  So cute!

Dad got his plane out but we never went flying.  The hurricane hit the next day.
This was the day we babysat Keenan.  Mom read him to sleep :)
The waves were INCREDIBLE.  I've never seen it like this on Lake Huron!
Fish & Chips tradition :)
It was cold for the rest of my time there.  But we're always outside at Mom and Dad's - unless it's pouring - like it did A LOT in my last few days home.
It cleared up my last night home (Sunday of Labour Day weekend).  One of Kristin's friends came out so we had him take a family photo.  Dad is actually kinda smirking in this one - which is rare!  He either sticks his tongue out or looks angry.  Kind of like Alain with pictures, actually ;)
We went to the park at Port Elgin beach my last night.  There was supposed to be a carnival and fireworks, but it was canceled on account of the crazy winds.  I will admit to sort of Michael Jackson'ing Keenan here (dangling him over the edge), but it's such a cute picture!
Keenan loved to have Mommy swinging with him :)  That's Kristin's friend from high school, Damen
We stayed for the sunset and had ice cream and a train ride before we went back to Mom and Dad's place.  It was a very nice last evening to my trip :)
This picture was a total fluke my last morning in Ontario.  I just love how lazy Rosie is ;)

It was a great trip - very relaxing.  It's actually the first time I've been back to Ontario in the summer since moving to BC.  And I'd like to go back again!!!  Mom and Dad's summer place is soooooooooo nice - it was good to be home :)


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