Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Marriott Basin

Sarah commence des leçons de français aujourd'hui, je vais donc essayer de l'aider en écrivant en français içi.
La semaine dernière on est parti vers Pemberton, au nord de Whistler, le site des jeux Olympiques 2010, pour une semaine de camping sauvage.

For those non-French speakers, I'll translate-ish. For our last camping trip of the year, we headed north to the Pemberton area (certainly one of our favourite areas in BC) to a place called Marriott Meadows. We had six days to enjoy the great outdoors!
La première nuit on est resté dans un site publique. Pas très romantique, mais au moins ça nous donne un peu plus de temps le lendemain pour la randonnée.

We spent our first night in a public campground (called a backcountry recreation site, but that's a load of crapola - there's a toilet! Sure it doesn't flush, but it's certainly not the back country of Remi and Sarah ;). We moved the tent once because Remi preferred a different site. I can't remember why...
Et c'est parti de bonne heure, les sentier montait assez rapidement, mais avec seulement 5km avant d'arriver au camping ce n'est pas très long, malgré les sacs pesant 25kg.

My sac weighed 25 kg too!! I got totally ripped off, if you ask me. I'm a little girl!! Anyway, the hike in wasn't very long, but it was a bit of a climb. The site was only 5 km from where we parked.
Avec les feux de foret pas loin, la fumée cachait les montagne.

There were a bunch of forest fires raging in BC this summer (you might have heard). There was one not too far from where we camped that actually closed another trail just up the road. But the smoke only last a day or so.
Eventuellement le vent a changé de direction et on pouvait enfin prendre des bonne photo. Içi c'est une prise panoramique de la vue vers l'est.

A panoramic view to the east after the smoke cleared.
Notre camping était calme et au bord de l'eau.

Relaxing our new camp chairs! We were right on the lake. It was a beautiful site.
On peut tout juste voir la tente en bas à droite. Our little tent (we couldn't live without it Julien and Megan!) is the yellow structure in the bottom right.
Une autre prise panoramique du lac.

Another panoramic of our little lake. I just love these moutains! Staring up at the stark, steep slopes is incredible.
Lundi on s'est baladé un peu pour voir un lac situé un peu plus haut. We climbed up to the middle lake on Monday (we arrived Sunday). It was a gorgeous day.
etc... etc...

C'est un peu dangereux de se balader dans certains endroits, mais c'est pas pour ça qu'on ne peut pas s'amuser. Look at that calf muscle! ;) These rock fields are killer on the body, but we still had some fun.

More relaxing at camp. We actually didn't see another soul for the entire time we were set up (we saw some people on the way in who actually suggested this site to us - we thank them!).
Une dernière promenade avant de diner. A little walk after dinner. We could actually see Joffre Peaks from here - one of the major hiking destinations near Whistler.
Notre vue le lendemain. Our view the next morning.
On a décidé de rester près du camp pour se reposer un peu. Pour passer le temps j'ai construit un petit bateau. Remi was bored so he built a little boat while I relaxed on shore. It actually made it out to the middle of the lake where our little duck friends jabbed at it mystified.

La brume le lendemain. A foggy morning.
En route vers un lac à 2000m, à 4km du camp. Wednesday we took a hike up to the upper lake. It sits at 2000 m and was 4 km from our camp. The hike was really quite nice as we got to see the meadow down to the middle lake from above, but this lake wasn't really that great. It was FREEZING though.
Dans cette photo on peut voir "notre" lac, à gauche. Our lake is seen to the left.
Une autre prise panoramique. Maggie snuck into this panoramic!

Sarah a réussie a se faire mal. I will admit that this was a clutzy affair. There was a rock, all by itself, in the middle of a nice field of soft heather and I smashed into it. I was fine on those damn rock fields, but I found the only rock on the side of a hill ;)

Field dressing!
Jeudi matin c'était le déluge, donc nous sommes parti un peu plus tot que prévu. Pas mal quand même, 4 jours sans être dérangé par d'autre randonneurs, et une bonne dernière vacance avant de retourner à l'école.

Thursday we awoke to rain. And I mean RAIN. It was pouring! We stayed in the tent for about an hour willing it to stop, but no such luck. After the tarp drained onto the tent, we decided to head out. We lost a day at camp, but were able to get the apartment cleaned up a bit before school started. Not a bad vacation before returning to school :)

Rémi and Sarah


Anonymous said...

Bravo pour le francais et les excellentes traductions de Sarah!
Les photos sont chouettes!

Kristin, Byron and Keenan said...

hey guys!!! this is awesome! I want to save up money and buy a hiking backpack that keenan can sit in and get a plane ticket and come out for three weeks again next year so that you guys can take me to places like this!! i want to go camping and such too this time!!