Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Eaton Lake

A few weeks ago Tim and his brother came by for a visit, so true to form, we took off for a camping trip. This time we headed towards Hope, and walked up to Eaton Lake.
This is a "bridge" early on in the hike. The trail wasn't all that difficult, but at one point Sarah stuck her pole in a bee hive, and much hilarity ensued (for the few of us who didn't get stung).
Our quiet site up by the lake.
The next morning.
Grey Jays are at every campsite in BC, just waiting for someone to feed them. They do pretty well this way.
We had heard that there was a summit nearby, so we bushwacked up through the forest (not much fun given the thorny plants that love that habitat) to the alpine, then continued up to a ridge. We gave up on the summit as it seemed to be a death trap. Tim tried, but didn't get very far.
I think the summit in question is the one on the left. Good luck with that.
This is Al, our neighbour at the site. A weird guy, but it was neat talking to him.


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