Sunday, September 23, 2007


Vendredi soir nous sommes allés à "Lighthouse Park" à l'ouest de Vancouver. Nous profitons des derniers jours de l'été pour pique-niquer dehors.

Remi and I (and Maggie of course!) went to Lighthouse Park in West Van the other night. It was a beautiful evening, if not a little chilly and we really enjoyed ourselves. Here are a few pictures!
Maggie ne peut pas résiter l'eau et s'est baignée un peu.

Portrait de famille.
Le coucher de soleil

Remi and Maggie went to Lynn Canyon this morning - without me, I'm working :P Here are a few pictures from that!
Ce matin nous avons visité Lynn Canyon, au nord de Vancouver.
L'eau est glaciale...
A part ça, pas beaucoup de nouvelles. Je travaille un un peu moins et Sarah continue ses études. On ne pourra probablement plus faire de camping cette année, surtout s'il pleut comme l'an dernier. Mais j'espère profiter un peu plus de la neige en montagne cet hiver. Il y a de clubs qui font de randonnées interessantes.

Maggie loves swimming no matter how cold it is! This is glacial water!! Remi also mentions here that he's working a little less now (thankfully!!) and I'm still studying hard. We're most likely not going to get any more camping in this year because the rains will start soon, but he's looking forward to snowshoeing, etc. in the mountains again this year. He's actually looking into joining a hiking club in Vancouver that a friend of mine and her husband are members of. That'll mean he's not going out by himself, which will be safer and make me happier ;)

Hope all is well with everyone!

Rémi and Sarah (the translator)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why Remi didn;t throw one of the twigs for Maggie in the one picture.

Love Mom