Friday, September 15, 2006

Good News!

Days: 2
Interviews: 2
Job Offers: 2
Casually ignored: 2 months of fruitless searching

I just got an offer from Integrated Resource Consultants, a small firm in Vancouver. It pays decently, by my humble standards and it involves the care of Daphnia and rainbow trout. Everyone wins. And it's permanent. And there's room for advancement.

Life is good here.



SophistiKat said...

Congrats, Remi! Sounds like it's a nice place to start at and I'm sure you'll enjoy the steady income. And Daphnia always make me smile, because they swim with their antenna. Maybe they do the same for you?

By the way, if you want some good looks at seals, check out the puffin cam at Since the puffins are gone, the seals are the big draw. You just have to keep checking, because they don't always haul themselves up, but we try to keep the camera aimed on them as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Remi!! That's Awesome! Nothing like a fixed income to ease a troubled mind eh??

And I trust school is going well with you Sarah?? I LOVE the fact that you're referred to as a "pharmer"; makes me laugh :)

All your pictures make me SO jealous of the adventures you 2 are taking. Living out in BC is an adventure in I need to take advantage of! But by checking out your blog, I can live my dream vacation through you guys!

Hope all is well, keep the updates-a-comin'! Talk to you soon :)