Monday, August 07, 2006

My Dad's here!

My Dad is out here in beautiful BC visiting for just over a week, so Remi and I are dragging him all over the island. Right now he's up at the school with Remi checking out what Remi does at work and apparently pulling a lot of dead prawns out of the tanks (so Remi said, anyway). Yesterday we drove across the island to Tofino/Ucluelet, stopping in Cathedral Grove on the way and Coombs (which has a market with goats literally living on the roof) on the way back. Tres cool.

Here are a few photos!

Remi's playing with the panoramic again here ;) The trees are so big I think panoramic is the only way to take a decent picture of them!!

Look up... Look waaaaay up!

OK, I can't figure out how to format this shiznit!! Trying to get this website to work drives me CRAZY!! So I'll leave it up to you to guess what every picture is ;) Any questions, post a comment!!



Anonymous said...

VACHEMENT BIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

boy are they big!!!!! trees I am not sure who the ants are beside them though? Who is the guy in the water? should I know that holleywood look?
Looks like all are having fun Good Stuff, miss you all and can hardly wait to have a group hug.

Love mom

SophistiKat said...

The trees are nice, but really isn't it Sarah in a skirt that is the true anomaly? ;)