Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Ontario Visit - Summer 2013

At 32 weeks pregnant I flew back to Ontario for a three week visit with friends and family.  I was able to see so many people on this trip through a week in Toronto, a wedding in Peterborough and almost 2 weeks with my parents plus a well-timed family reunion in Woodstock!  It was a great visit!

I was also able to visit Montreal as Ann was there at a conference.  Unfortunately the pictures from there are on my cellphone as my camera jammed, but the pictures are solely of le Jardin Botanique ( where Ann and I spent a couple of very hot hours viewing the sculptures.  We also ate some wonderful food and went on a dinner cruise!

During my first week, I was mostly in Toronto and was able to visit with Julien, Megan, AOIFE (of course the star attraction) and Alain.  We went for a lovely walk in the beaches and had a fabulous lunch.  I was able to read a lot and relax too!  Remi joined us on the weekend for a quick turn-around trip.  We went to Tim & Laura's wedding in Peterborough on that Saturday and then had a family lunch chez Masson on Sunday.

Some wedding pics:


Some lunch party pics:
My sister was able to make it down to TO for the lunch as well!  This was super as Remi had not seen Keenan in person since our wedding (thank goodness again for Skype!) and neither of us had met smiley Gavyn yet!  My aunt Ashley was also there (not pictured here) and announced that she is expecting as well!!!  Due in March.  Very excited for her and Mike :)
We also went to the park to wear the boys out :)

 It worked!
Sadly, Remi was only in town for 3 days.  We were able to have lunch with Julien, Megan and Aoife (with Ann and Alain too!) on Monday before Remi's flight out.
The next day, Ann and Alain were kind enough to take a road trip up to my parents' neck of the woods.  We had dinner en famille (where my mother insisted on pulling out old photo albums and where my mother-in-law insisted that I do not resemble any of my childhood photos), then Ann and Alain headed off to the cottage and I began my 10-odd relaxing days in Bruce County.

We beached (but only a couple times - the weather always goes to poop when I'm visiting!).

 We played.
 We pooled.
 We walked.
  We cuddled (mostly with Gavyn).
We saw this terrifying creature (a cecropia moth caterpillar, according to my bug-loving biologist friend, Kat).
  And we made cabbage rolls for the family reunion!
All in all, a great trip home!

Right now, Remi and I are (im)patiently waiting for the arrival of Baby Masson.  My due date is October 6 but anytime would be great!  Lots of rolling and elbowing still going on (which is good!); hopefully ready to join us soon.  We'll keep everyone posted!



Unknown said...

I LOVE the wedding photos, Sarah!! I also love your nephew, who is just about the cutest, pudgiest baby I have ever seen. And that caterpillar is amazing!

Can't wait to see the Baby Masson announcement go up!


Anonymous said...

excellent pictures kids, keep them coming. We are at our winter home now. Just winterizing left. tomorrow and then planning for our trip to bc. Hope the damn Americans keep the border open.

Love Mom xoxoxo