Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Birthday canoe trip!

After our successful canoe day a few weeks ago, I decided that I would like to spend my birthday in one of these great Canadian vessels!  We rented a canoe at Pitt Lake ( and headed off into Widgeon Slough (no motorboats allowed!) for a paddle.  It was exactly what I wanted to be doing on this year of my 2nd annual 29th (and holding) birthday :)

Here are some view shots.  We had perfect weather!
The water was so clear!!  Neither Remi or I could get up the nerve to get right in, but we stopped the canoe often to wade out and cool off a bit.  As you can see (despite her performance on past canoe trips) we brought Maggie.  Rather than cry constantly and lean from one side of the canoe to the other (searching for an escape route) she actually laid down and behaved!!  

 And she was darn cute doing it!
She also enjoyed her out-of-canoe time.  Getting to swim all day?!  A lab's dream.  You'd think it was HER birthday or something!!

And of course there were sticks to rescue.
We beached for lunch at the end of a channel at one point and Remi decided to show off his solo canoeing abilities to get the canoe turned around and through a shallow spot.  I'll admit, I was impressed.  Slightly ;)
Family shot!
We capped the day off with some BBQ'd salmon and a visit from Bobby T.  Oh, and my birthday cake (flourless chocolate cake!) - which I had to make myself!!  Come to think of it, I also made my own birthday pancakes...  Wait a minute!!  I'd cry "bad husband!" but Remi bought me a beautiful pearl necklace from my favourite jewelery store so I guess I'll forgive him ;)

Until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!! miss you guys!!