Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Classic Maggie

Birthday canoe trip!

After our successful canoe day a few weeks ago, I decided that I would like to spend my birthday in one of these great Canadian vessels!  We rented a canoe at Pitt Lake ( and headed off into Widgeon Slough (no motorboats allowed!) for a paddle.  It was exactly what I wanted to be doing on this year of my 2nd annual 29th (and holding) birthday :)

Here are some view shots.  We had perfect weather!
The water was so clear!!  Neither Remi or I could get up the nerve to get right in, but we stopped the canoe often to wade out and cool off a bit.  As you can see (despite her performance on past canoe trips) we brought Maggie.  Rather than cry constantly and lean from one side of the canoe to the other (searching for an escape route) she actually laid down and behaved!!  

 And she was darn cute doing it!
She also enjoyed her out-of-canoe time.  Getting to swim all day?!  A lab's dream.  You'd think it was HER birthday or something!!

And of course there were sticks to rescue.
We beached for lunch at the end of a channel at one point and Remi decided to show off his solo canoeing abilities to get the canoe turned around and through a shallow spot.  I'll admit, I was impressed.  Slightly ;)
Family shot!
We capped the day off with some BBQ'd salmon and a visit from Bobby T.  Oh, and my birthday cake (flourless chocolate cake!) - which I had to make myself!!  Come to think of it, I also made my own birthday pancakes...  Wait a minute!!  I'd cry "bad husband!" but Remi bought me a beautiful pearl necklace from my favourite jewelery store so I guess I'll forgive him ;)

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Garden update

These aren't very good quality photos, but they serve to show how things are growing!

Up on the deck we have tomatoes and cukes growing in hanging baskets.  The tomatoes have finally started pointing downward.  Quite a few flowers too!
 We also have hot pepper plants from last year.  These are flowering too - we'll see!
 Tomatoes down in the garden too - these are doing really well this year!
Beets and carrots.  I've planted a couple of different times for these seeds.  You can see the little guys in front.  We ate some last week but they're still very small - although delicious!

 The zucchini are coming!!
Beans and peas too!
And our blueberries should be ready soon - a handful or so ;)
We're still eating lettuce and broccoli of course and the occasional couple of alpine strawberries ripen.  Our strawberries didn't do well in the strawberry pot this year.  I'm going to pull them out of there this year and start a patch in the garden - see if that helps with yield.
Yum :)

Recent outings

The weather has been stellar.  And we have been cashing in!!  The garden is looking amazing (blog to come after I take a few more photos) and while Remi is working A LOT, we're still fitting in a few pregnancy-friendly walks.  I must say, I miss camping though :(  Sleeping on the ground would not be very friendly to my hips, back, sciatic nerve (*darn you, nerve, darn you*) (etc) but I miss being outside for days on end. 

So instead, we've been doing things like this:

Canoeing on Allouette Lake.  I like canoeing - it's a sit-down affair, you can cover a lot of distance, and your husband does most of the work!  In fact, for my birthday this weekend, we may head out to Pitt Lake for a paddle and a picnic.
These will be the only 2 pregnancy bikini shots I will subject people to - I promise!  I purchased a maternity bathing suit last week.
 Walking around Rolley Lake.  We've been doing this one a lot (Maggie and I went alone yesterday, actually).  It's a lovely 4 km route with little beaches that allow Maggie to get in for a dip and Remi and I to stretch our legs.  Last time we were there, we found a balloon!!

It didn't last long.
 Another prego shot!
Finding new easy-terrain walks.  This next walk is from Kanaka Creek in Maple Ridge.  It's not far from the house, really, and it was lovely!  It also allowed us to pick up some fresh salmon on the way home - omega-3 power for baby brain! The actually baby's brain, not mine.  Although these mum-dumbs (as my sister-in-law "lovingly" calls them) are something else!!

Remi was able to play with his camera a bit on this walk.  It was so pretty in there!
 And of course, my belly makes and appearance ;)
Happy summer everyone!