Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mom & Dad West visit - Feb 2013

My father has informed me, and rightfully so, that Remi and I didn't post a blog from their visit in February!  They were here for a week around family day and as I recall, we had some okay weather and did A LOT of relaxing.  Mom and Dad were also very generous with Remi and I.  For Christmas and Remi's birthday they treated us to a new flat screen TV of awesome, a Blu-ray player and have left their Wii with us.  SPOILED.  Let me tell you, after "suffering" with a 90s Sony hulk of a TV for a decade, we're very happy to be upgraded.  There is nothing like Blu-ray.

Anyhoo, here are a few pictures from the visit.  Lots of pictures of Rosie of course.  This dog loves to have her picture taken and is quite photogenic (don't tell her I said that).
 She also gets to sit at the table because she is small...  Bad dog ;)

 We were all able (except Remi, who was working) to do a lot of lounging around.  Maggie does this every day, but that's beside the point.
We did leave the house, however, for a couple of nice walks.  We wandered around the wetland, of course.  It was near impossible to get a picture where everyone was looking at the camera (dogs included!!) and Maggie wasn't barking at us.  I believe Remi took 15 photos of this ;)
 Rosie loved the grasses.  Probably lots of voles and mice running through.
 We also walked along the Fraser.  We can't get to this beach now as the water has risen with snow melt and rain (called the freshet according to my biologist hubby).

The dogs had a blast and got nice and dirty.
It was a bit chilly but not raining!  Always a bonus in BC in February.

I can't remember what else we did.  Ate a lot.  This was also the time Remi and I announced to my parents that we were expecting - much to their surprise and delight!  I couldn't very well go the week without having a beer with my dad ;)

On that note, we have our structural ultrasound today at Mission Hospital.  I've also been feeling the baby kick (right now in fact!!) since the weekend.  It feels like little drops of water (*plop*) in my tummy.  So cool :)

That's all for now :)

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