Sunday, July 22, 2012

Eaton Lake - July long weekend 2012

Summer has started slowly for us out here in beautiful BC.  June was actually worse than it was last year (less sunny days, more rain), which is hard to believe!  Thus, Remi and I had slim pickings for camping early in the season.  We chose (out of desperation for getting out of the city) a trip we'd done a few summers ago with our good friend Tim and his brother: Eaton Lake.  The destination is a lovely campsite overlooking a beautiful little lake.  8 km round-trip, 900 m elevation gain - in other words: steep.

Unfortunately, we never made it to the campsite.  We were unable to ford a creek at the top which was fat with spring run-off.  Friday night (hiking up after work...  after working a 12-day straight stretch...  throwing a rather major temper tantrum at the 3 km marker which I'd rather not elaborate on) we ended up camping on the trail.  Saturday morning, we tucked tail and headed back down.

Here are a few photos anyway.

There is a giant river at the bottom that requires crossing.  The bridge has been washed out.  Luckily there is a giant slippery log to allow crossing!  We frog-jumped across it as follows:   
On the way back down, I stopped halfway to take photos of the raging river and waterfall.
Oh, and the fallen bridge of course!
 A beauty shot of Maggie from the car.
I also took a video of the river.  Apologies for the poor video quality...  We need a new camera.

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