Friday, June 01, 2012

Ann's visit - April 2012

Ann has recently been working with one of the Native bands out in Vancouver and we've been fortunate enough to get to spend a few hours with her on her last couple of trips.  Most recently was near the end of April.  Her flight came in early and the weather was lovely!

We visited Steveston, a little ocean-side village south of Vancouver (south of Richmond, actually).  It was so cute!  We'll be heading back there for sure with other visitors.  We didn't take many pictures, but here are a few.

The fisherman actually have fresh fish out for sale from their boats.  There were also prawns.  Mmm...  Next time we pick up someone at the airport we're going to bring a cooler and some ice and swing by Steveston on the way home!
 One of the boats.  Remi's favourite subject for photography, I think!
 Ann had a great view from her hotel over English Bay and Stanley Park.  The pictures of the view weren't stellar but these portraits were pretty good! 
Looking manly in plaid ;)

The visit was brief but very nice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are excellent photos of you both. I enjoyed the garden and flower pictures.

Love Mom