Saturday, December 26, 2009

More Pictures

On Christmas eve, after dinner, Sarah and I decided to go for a night snowshoe on Seymour Mountain. Apparently everyone else in Vancouver was busy, so we had the whole area to ourselves, which was pretty neat.
As some of you must know by now, I recently purchased a DSLR camera, so I've been itching to go out and stretch its legs a little. I had some issues with the focus (auto-focus doesn't work well in the dark, but I still thing some of these pictures are neat.
I know it's blurry, I should have used the tripod, but I like the effect. Our new headlamps also work very well when there's snow.
I couldn't resist taking a moonlight picture. Haven't done one of these in years.
Sarah and I coth had to work on Christmas day, but as my day was quiet, I got to take some pictures. This is in Richmond, near the lab. It's a pretty ugly place in the full light of day, but now bad here.
It can be nice in the morning though, I don't know if you can see it, but Mount Baker is in the background. It's a large dead volcano in the States (3000m). We thought of climbing it, but the view from the top would be lousy (Vancouver and U.S. smog), and it's probably hard.
More early morning Richmond.
I got bored in the afternoon waiting for Sarah to come home, so I went to Maplewood Flats, in North Vancouver. It's a wildlife conservation area, and it's well known for its birds. Aside from some ducks and an eagle, I didn't see much. This was taken near a bird feeder.
These last few shots are from our recent snowshoe trip on Mt. Seymour. See the previous blog for more on that.
I photoshopped this one. Betcha can't tell where.
She looks happy, but she was complaining. Sarah is still hoping for a mountain that can be hiked without climbing.


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Remi sucks - I enjoyed the snowshoe, I was just TIRED!!