Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Megan & Julien's Visit (Oct 2009)

Megan and Julien visited us out here in October. We took them to the usual outdoorsy places we take everyone who comes to visit ;) They also went on a few day trips by themselves to check out Vancouver. I was on my SPEP rotation and Remi had school, so we spent the evenings together.

This first photo is from Lynn Canyon (I think).

We also dragged them on a mountain hike up Black Mountain. It was short, but up up up!! Luckily it was a gorgeous day! In fact, M & J were very lucky while they were here visiting - it was an unusually dry October.

Remi took some time on the way down to ID some flowers ;)

We also took them to our favourite lower mainland park - Lighthouse Park (where we got engaged!)

Remi being a nerd, Megan pretending to be interested ;)

Julien made us promise to have a full Thanksgiving dinner or else they weren't coming, so we also did that. As usual my turkey was perfect ;)

As I've said a million times on this blog - WE LOVE VISITORS!! Free lodging in the beautiful city of Vancouver :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love all the pictures you two!! Fantastic mirror shot from your camping trip...

It's great for those of us here to be able to read your blog and almost feel like we're keeping up :-)

Super huge congrats to you both and here's hoping to see you before too long!
