Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it snow!

Sarah and I had another day off, so we headed up to Seymour for a day of snowshoeing. You've obviously heard about our weather, we're getting lots of snow, and it seems to be sticking. Most days are pretty cold, we love it. This day was pretty chilly, -15° on the mountain, not counting the wind chill (only wimps and people with lousy clothes count the wind chill).

This is actually from the day before on Cypress, but it's representative.

Maggie and I playing between the two summits. The wind packs the snow a little bit, so it's easier to go off trail, though there were lots of icy patches.

This is on the summit. The false summit, actually. The real summit is another kilometer away or so, and is somewhat dicey in the winter.

Sarah on the the way in.

Going around the back of the mountain.

BC Parks are so over-dramatic when it comes to safety. I'm not even sure what these say.
Sarah climbing the face of the 1st pump (the smallest of the three summits)
Maggie and I playing in the snow.
It's hard to coax Maggie to run through the deeper snow.
Here again. If I'd kept the camera running for a few seconds longer you would have seen Maggie careering across an icy patch to the snow below. Too bad.
Sarah and Maggie plowing through the snow on the way out. Not long after this Sarah fell into a hole and got stuck. I had to dig her out. Then I did, but was able to get out on my own after filling my snow pants with two or three pounds of snow.
A successful day on the mountain. Then home to eggnog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! I wanna go snowshoeing now!
