Saturday, November 08, 2008

As of late...

Hey, all. School school school about sums up our last little while. We did have a wine-touring farm day not too long ago and of course, Hallowe'en (I forgot my camera so no pictures). Hopefully now that the snow seems to be falling in the mountains we'll be out snowshoeing soon. Until then... rain rain rain down here at sea level :( We're going out for dinner tonight with some friends and next week is the annual gala for my pharmacy class. Hot dressed-up pics of Remi and I to come :)

For now, here's our hike-gone-bad, wine-touring farm day photos!


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Just catching up on your recent adventures... still planning on visiting you two out there sometime but so far no luck! Maybe in the spring, we'll see.

Even though I don't comment a lot, I am keeping up with the blog and lovin' it! You two are doing the stuff I love so much and just don't have sufficent time/opportunity to get to. So I enjoy all your experiences vicariously :-)

Keep it up, and here's hoping to see you soon.


deanna said...

hey, how is it going? It sucks to be too busy to enjoy the things we love.We are getting snow instead of rain.
Check out my blog. New pics again.

Love Mom

p.s. where were you guys on Sunday