Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it snow!

Sarah and I had another day off, so we headed up to Seymour for a day of snowshoeing. You've obviously heard about our weather, we're getting lots of snow, and it seems to be sticking. Most days are pretty cold, we love it. This day was pretty chilly, -15° on the mountain, not counting the wind chill (only wimps and people with lousy clothes count the wind chill).

This is actually from the day before on Cypress, but it's representative.

Maggie and I playing between the two summits. The wind packs the snow a little bit, so it's easier to go off trail, though there were lots of icy patches.

This is on the summit. The false summit, actually. The real summit is another kilometer away or so, and is somewhat dicey in the winter.

Sarah on the the way in.

Going around the back of the mountain.

BC Parks are so over-dramatic when it comes to safety. I'm not even sure what these say.
Sarah climbing the face of the 1st pump (the smallest of the three summits)
Maggie and I playing in the snow.
It's hard to coax Maggie to run through the deeper snow.
Here again. If I'd kept the camera running for a few seconds longer you would have seen Maggie careering across an icy patch to the snow below. Too bad.
Sarah and Maggie plowing through the snow on the way out. Not long after this Sarah fell into a hole and got stuck. I had to dig her out. Then I did, but was able to get out on my own after filling my snow pants with two or three pounds of snow.
A successful day on the mountain. Then home to eggnog.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Last day of school!

So yesterday morning I wrote an exam nice and early and had the rest of the day to myself. A friend (Theresa) and I decided to spend it outdoors at Stanley Park and then at Granville Island doing a little browsing and Christmas shopping! We then headed back to my place for some tree decorating and dinner with a couple of my other pharmacy friends. Here are some pictures and videos!

I wanted to name all the birds we saw for the bird nerds (Mom and Kat), but I couldn't find these guys in my Audubon Society book.

No brainer ;)

This is an oystercatcher. He was making a racket and I tried to get a video and then he shut up.

Lions Gate Bridge.

This is a common merganser.

Lots of ice! It was quite chilly and I got a bit wind/frost-bitten down by the ocean. My face still hurts today!

Yes this is indeed a large blow-dryer for your children.
After than, our tree fun began. Remi brought the tree in (it was frozen, he had to thaw it out) and then wrestled with it to get it to sit in the stand and THEN had to cut off a few of the bottom branches. The tree is huge, but it's definitely the nicest tree we've had yet.
Some friends of mine came over to help us. That's Ariel on the left and Theresa on the right.
Lots of decorating!
Remi and I topped it off.
And there's Raj! Yes, the boys are giving the finger. Not very Christmas-spirited, but this was the best picture of the five of us and Noble Fir.
Then we ate! Moroccan chicken and a zucchini and apple salad with preserved lemons that Remi made himself. Mmmm!! It was so good! Oh, and wine of course!
We're all ready for Christmas out here for the most part. A few things left to pick up present-wise for each other, but we're looking forward to some time to ourselves and some snowshoeing!! There is TONS of snow out here! Remi is thinking about heading up to the mountains tomorrow and the two of us have Friday off and it's supposed to clear up. Pictures to come!
Happy holidays everyone!
OH! I almost forgot the videos. The first is a crow picking up a shell and breaking it open to get at what's inside. Crows are so smart! That is true - wikipedia it.
The second is us decorating the tree. It's more for my mom really because I wasn't there to help her with the tree this year.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Our province is better than your province

The sun actually shone on Thursday and Remi finished his exam early, so we decided to go for a walk on the North Shore. It was a beautiful day and Remi felt photograph-inspired so there are a few panoramics here (because everything is big in BC).

Maggie of course went swimming. Her tail seems to suck water up and so always shoots up a big stream when she shakes.

Then she wacked me in the nose with her big fat head. It hurt.

Family photo! We tried to get Maggie to sit, but she wanted to bark at us instead.

The sun came through the trees in a few locations and looked like a star-rainbow.

Another video of Maggie swimming ;)

I have one final left (Remi finished today) and then it's relax relax relax (in other words, work work work at the hospital). We haven't quite finished Christmas shopping yet, but we're close. We're getting our Christmas tree on Tuesday!

Hugs and kisses to everyone!

Sarah and Remi

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Petgill Lake

There wasn't much going on at school today, so I took a professional development day and took the dog up to Petgill Lake for a quick hike. It wasn't the most incredible hike we've done, but a nice walk in the woods ending at a sub-alpine lake. Mostly it was nice to escape from the noises of the city for a short while. Here are a couple of pictures:

This is a view to the end of Howe Sound and Squamish. It's a pretty good view of the Chief.

Petgill Lake. Pretty nice, but it was windy and cold, so we couldn't stay too long.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gala and NEW BABY!

So pharmacy Gala was last Friday night. We got all dolled up for the party. Here are a few pictures.

But more importantly, I'm an AUNT!! Kristin delivered baby Keenan Steven (5 lbs, 10 ounces) 1 month early on Sunday evening (Nov 16) at 7:12 PM. Kristin is tired and Keenan is still in his incubator, but they're both doing quite fine. More pictures to come, I'm sure!

Oh, and you can call Remi uncle too, even though he's not willing to admit it yet ;)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hurricane Vancouver!

Okay, not quite a hurricane, but we have a severe wind warning (>70 km/hr gusts!), so I took a couple videos. Today is also the first day we've seen the sun in a couple of weeks!! Every November we're reminded why the trees are so big and the forests are RAINforests out here ;)

Enjoy the videos, I have to get back to studying (four final exams next week - eek!).


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A couple of videos

Here are a couple of videos from the two days referred to in the last post.

Some more photos

I've been trying for DAYS to get some more photos on this darn blog, but Blogger is being difficult. So I'll try again.

Here are some more pictures of our farm day and a walk near Lynn Valley that we did a couple weeks ago :)

You'll see our hike didn't last long. I'm smiling in this photo, but I was not happy about 15 minutes later. We decided to bail. The next few photos are from our farm tour! Donkeys, turkeys and squash. We were very excited to be out of the city.

The photos that follow are from another rainy day a couple of Thursdays ago. Remi forgot his rain coat (and by forgot I mean intentionally left behind after I mentioned that he might want to take it...). Maggie got some swimming in, so she was quite thrilled.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

As of late...

Hey, all. School school school about sums up our last little while. We did have a wine-touring farm day not too long ago and of course, Hallowe'en (I forgot my camera so no pictures). Hopefully now that the snow seems to be falling in the mountains we'll be out snowshoeing soon. Until then... rain rain rain down here at sea level :( We're going out for dinner tonight with some friends and next week is the annual gala for my pharmacy class. Hot dressed-up pics of Remi and I to come :)

For now, here's our hike-gone-bad, wine-touring farm day photos!