Friday, October 26, 2007

It's been a while...

So we haven't been very good bloggers lately and I thought I should change that! Here's a brief update, although nothing fantastic has really happened lately.

I'm still going to school! I know you must all be shocked :) The semester's workload hit all at once so I've been living in the library and on my computer for the past month or so. Boourns!! It's going really well. I've written only two midterms, but have had a bunch of assignments and labs, so it's busy. I'm enjoying this year significantly more than last year. We're actually learning stuff that I think I'll probably use in the pharmacy!! I thought this day would never come! (I'm a little bitter at the immense waste of time last year was, but, c'est la vie).

Anyway, as for Remi, the Vancouver city workers are FINALLY off strike!! It lasted over 80 days!!! AMAZING. That's what unions do, folks. Anyway, what that means is KUNG FU is back on!! Remi went back for the first time on Wednesday night (and is actually there tonight) and has been complaining about sore calves ever since. He's also been able to bike to work the past couple of days because, although cold, the weather has been incredibly nice out here this week. Needless to say, he's getting some well-needed exercise *cough*chubby*cough* Just kidding ;) He thought he was getting fat, but he's crazy.

Other than that, Maggie is still lounging around, as always. No ear infections this week and no dog fights, so it's a good week ;) She's laying behind me chewing a giant bone right now, so is obviously in seventh heaven.

In other news, my dad is interviewing for a job in Edmonton on Monday!!! It sounds pretty sweet from what we know so far, so we'll keep our fingers crossed that they might be making their way a little further west soon :)

That's about it. I should be studying (pharmacology midterm next week - eek!) so I'm going to sign off. We hope everyone is well!! Please let us know with emails/posted comments/postcards/huge money orders made out to either Sarah West or Remi Masson ;)

Love Sarah

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