Friday, April 06, 2007

T-Shirt weather!

Other than ICBC accepting that they were completely unreasonable, we don't have a great deal of news. The weather is slowly getting better, so I'm able to bike to work most days, which not only saves me some big bucks, but is also dragging me out of my winter torpor.
We had Sarah's childhood friend Melanie visit us last Sunday, so we bummed around downtown Vancouver showing her the sights and sounds (including our world-famous crackheads... er, pardon, homeless ladies and gentlemen). Sadly I forgot the camera so we don't have any pictures of the stuff we did. A shame, because there is a very nice and relatively quiet Chinese garden downtown complete with koi and turtles and bonzai that is well worth visiting.
Because we don't have a car right now (see previous posts), we are completely incapable of doing anything cool (e.g. hikes on the north shore), so I'll attach a couple of pictures from around here.
These are from today in Falaise Park. Not much really, but at least if you look beyond the Big Smoke you can get the idea that there is some hope left for the mainland. Still, we can't wait to get back to the island.
I've been raving about the macro capabilities of our new camera to just about anyone who will listen, and here is another fine example. Just a boring dandelion, but up close it looks great. go ahead, click on it. Admire the detail.
And that's about it for now. I promise that once we have a new car our posts will become more frequent and more entertaining.


Anonymous said...

I love the pics, we had snow for 3 days again and it looks like paradise out there. Bare legs and t-shirts.. here anything less than wet pants and a winter coat is too less. We had a sunny afternoon and some snow did melt but only what we go for 3 days.
We all say hi from here and miss you all
Momm xoxo

Anonymous said...

that's one fab dandelion!