Monday, April 30, 2007


Sarah a finallement recommencer ses études (informelles) de français, donc j'essaye un peu aussi de mon côté.
Je reviens tout juste du sommet du Mont Seymour, qui surplombe Vancouver. Dans la photo à droite, Maggie surveille la vallée derrière la montagne, et on discerne un peu la ville à droite.

En arrivant au sommet, j'ai remarqué quelques aigles. Malgré la proximité, c'est la seule photo plus ou moins réussie. Malheuresement, ils n'avaient pas encore leur plumage adulte...

Je suis probablement le seul qui utilise encore les raquettes en bois. Le style moderne en plastique et en aluminium est plus léger et efficase, mais où est le charme?

La semaine dernière je me suis promené autour de la base du Mont Seymour... Moins interessant, mais quand même une bonne promenade. Et c'est tout. J'espère que mon français n'est pas trop nul...



Anonymous said...

i did try to understand what i read but Remi help me. can I have an english version

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Finally got the snow shoes eh, congratulations! Those are some nice looking pictures, makes me miss snow (a little anyway). We need you guys' address to send you postcards. Plus vite!


Sarah said...

Remi is refusing

Sarah said...

Haha, oops. As I was saying, Remi says no to an english version. You'll have to get out the French-English dictionary, Mom! Basically what he's saying is that he hiked to one of the summits of Mount Seymour on the weekend with Maggie on his rickety wooden snow shoes (an old lady made fun of him! Something like: "I don't think you'll make it in those things"). It was fun, saw juvenille eagles (pictured there). He talks a bit about how newer snowshoes are plastic and aluminum and have no charm ;) And also that I've restarted my French learning (I'm off to do that right now, actually) and he wanted to practice his with this post.

That's basically it ;) Hope the move went well for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Ton francais se porte bien.Rien a reprocher.