Saturday, March 10, 2007

Pharmacy skits night!

Hey all! So the last few weeks have been very busy for me between school/midterms, work, and memorizing my lines for our first year pharmacy skit! I actually played one of the lead roles in the skit. Wasn't my idea, but I got volunteered and so I agreed (reluctantly). Anyway, it was a blast!! We only had one glitch in our skit (unfortunately it was my fault), but I was able to right the wrong (after swearing into my microphone ;) and we made it through. It was something of a hit and one of our actors won the best actor award!! Very exciting!
Anyway, here are a few pictures. Sorry about the poor quality, it was dark in there. Oh! They also took a video of it, which they will eventually be posting online, so I'll let you know when you can see it ;)
This is Bobby and I with our counterparts, Drs. Price and Riggs

Getting Josh ready... Oh my ;) HILARIOUS!

The cast!
Yes, I'm the blond.

Keith playing Dr. Reid (our grumpiest prof)
Our theme.


deanna said...

Looks like you had asot of fun, Id do not think you fit the blonde profile though.


deanna said...

Boy I should have done a check on my spelling , etc.

an embarrassed mom