Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mt. Albert Edward

Tim is here! To celebrate, he and I climbed Mt. Benson. That was fun, but nothing like what we had planned for the weekend. We returned to the Forbidden Plateau, but this time with a summit attempt in mind! The first day, we climbed to Kwai Lake. On Saturday, we left our packs behind and pushed to the top of Mt. Albert Edward. It was an adventure like none of us has ever experienced, but it was truly incredible. It's the 4th highest peak on the mountain, but from where we stood, it felt like the top of the world. Enjoy the pictures.
Camping on Kwai Lake, close to where we were last time.

It wouldn't have been any fun without a gruelling climb. Bear in mind that we had to go down this later, too.
I love the panoramic setting. Here you have an alpine meadown, with some forbidding peaks in the background. Bear in mind that Albert Edward is taller than those.
Tim and Sarah celebrating a small victory. We weren't anywhere near the summit, but it felt good.
Mountain ice is so cool... There's Albert Edward up behind me.

We're still smiling because we don't quite know what's ahead of us.

Here you want to refer to our last trip to the Forbidden Plateau (pictures in a previous post). See that cliff in the background? that's Cruickshank Canyon. Now I scoff at its insignificance!
Sarah in from of some alpine lakes, with tiny little Cruickshank Canyon in the back.
Tim needed a picture like this. As a trophy.

Albert Edward! Check out the icefields down the slope.

Don't be fooled, she was tired.

Mt. Albert Edward

Ice fields on the way to the top. We were running out of water at the time, so we drank from here. The water was delicious and so cold. Despite the ice, the air and sun were hot, and we all burned.
Last push to the summit. The ground was all rocks and gravel, which made walking all the more difficult. The summit behind us looks close, but it took us close to an hour to get there.

The summit! 2094m up. Fourth highest mountain on the Island. Absolutely exhausted, but it was totally worth it!

Sarah on the summit.

Panoramic from the top!

I wasn't allowed to take my tripod, so this picture is a little off centre, but I still like the shot. In most places, we were so high I got vertigo.

I was exhausted and found a little shaded nook that was perfectly cooled. It also had an incredible view of the valley below. Looking too closely at this picture, I get vertigo all over again!
If you zoom in, you'll see Tim and I on the top of that cliff. If I'd known I was that close to the edge, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it. Cool though.
Maggie was pooched, nice to rest here.
This slope was between us and the bottom. So we all slid down it however possible. Sadly, we don't have a picture, but Sarah did it on her bum.

As we were going back down, we got another view of the summit of Mt. Albert Edward. Hard to believe, but we actually climbed that whole way up!

It took us a few hours to walk the rest of the way out, but we made it, sore and tired. Poor Maggie is still limping from the effort, but she had fun. Our legs are all still toast, but worth it.


Monday, August 07, 2006


An aerial photo of Cathedral Grove. It took me a while to work out the bugs from the panorama programme, but I got it going. Yeehaw.

This is one of the views of Cathedral grove, a big storm came and knocked this tree down some time ago. It's pretty cool. Sarah wouldn't let me go play on it.

This is in the rainforest in the Pacific Rim National Park. I only took it because I wanted to play with the panoramic thing.

My Dad's here!

My Dad is out here in beautiful BC visiting for just over a week, so Remi and I are dragging him all over the island. Right now he's up at the school with Remi checking out what Remi does at work and apparently pulling a lot of dead prawns out of the tanks (so Remi said, anyway). Yesterday we drove across the island to Tofino/Ucluelet, stopping in Cathedral Grove on the way and Coombs (which has a market with goats literally living on the roof) on the way back. Tres cool.

Here are a few photos!

Remi's playing with the panoramic again here ;) The trees are so big I think panoramic is the only way to take a decent picture of them!!

Look up... Look waaaaay up!

OK, I can't figure out how to format this shiznit!! Trying to get this website to work drives me CRAZY!! So I'll leave it up to you to guess what every picture is ;) Any questions, post a comment!!


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Not much new...

Hey! Good to see people are keeping up with our blog, we were feeling all alone out here. Not much news, I went out and bought a TV today... 27" Sony from the pawn shop. Can't get a better deal, so it's less money now or more then... So we got it. Jurassic Park tonight to break it in.

This first picture is of the rocks at Jack Point. These are more or less typical of that area, the waves carve them into these really neat shapes.
This is Sarah (on the left) and Matt and L.B. (Elizabeth, if you will*) on the right, and Mount Benson in the back. Yeah, I climbed that mountain, the pictures are in the blog somewhere.
More nerd pictures! This is a zoea (good scrabble word) of a red rock crab. I later killed it and all of its siblings. I felt bad for a while.

I gotta go...
