Monday, April 08, 2013

The faces of Aoife (Long Masson family visit Mar 2013)

We were very fortunate during the last week of March to have our 7.5 month old niece, Aoife (E-fa), and her entourage (Mom & Dad - Megan & Julien) visit us in Mission.  It was wonderful!!  Aoife is such a delight to have around (maybe not at 4 AM... but she's working on that!).  She is all smiles and giggles, loves to be zerberted, tickled, danced about & dipped, and tossed in the air.  Not to mention, she loved my lasagna!  Needless to say, her gaga Auntie and Uncle took a gazillion pictures of her beautiful face.  I think we may have also snuck in a couple of Julien & Megan too!  Here are a few (and yes, I had to whittle it down from over 200!).  Enjoy!

 Mmm... Vegetable mush!
 A walk in the wetland.  She was trying to nap here, hence the grumpy McGrumps face (still adorable!!).
 Scary Uncle Remi :(
 Aoife is not really digging tummy time.  Who wants to waste their time crawling anyway!!  Apparently I went straight to walking and so will Aoife (it's what all the gorgeous, smart, talented girls do) ;)
 Tired face.

 Maggie was very patient with Aoife!  She must have mellowed out in her old age (I remember some grumbles when Keenan visited at about Aoife's age).  She seemed very interested in what Aoife was doing (especially when she was eating and getting more attention than Maggie).
The week was beautiful!!  A week straight of sun and warm weather!  Close to 20 degrees every day.  I was lucky enough to have a week of holidays.  Thanks to the Long Massons for bringing the sunny weather!!  Anyhoo, outdoor time!
 This child should be a model!
 Playing Scrabble.  I guess I should note for the official record that Julien won against Meg, Remi and I... AGAIN.  Undisputed champion.  There, I said it.
We hit up the Billy Miner Pub for lunch.  We couldn't sit in the pub (we had a minor, of course!) but luckily they have a patio next to their pizza parlor where we could order the same food and from the same beer menu (which is extensive and awesome and was enjoyed by 3 out of 4 adults present).
 Family portrait!
Thanks again for the visit!!  Remi and I loved every second of it and can't wait for the next one :)



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Anonymous said...

I loved all the pictures and yes think she could be a model, after-all she has been watching Mr. Hollywood in front of the camera.


Love Mom

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful baby! Looks like you all had a great time :-)