Friday, June 01, 2012

Ann's visit - April 2012

Ann has recently been working with one of the Native bands out in Vancouver and we've been fortunate enough to get to spend a few hours with her on her last couple of trips.  Most recently was near the end of April.  Her flight came in early and the weather was lovely!

We visited Steveston, a little ocean-side village south of Vancouver (south of Richmond, actually).  It was so cute!  We'll be heading back there for sure with other visitors.  We didn't take many pictures, but here are a few.

The fisherman actually have fresh fish out for sale from their boats.  There were also prawns.  Mmm...  Next time we pick up someone at the airport we're going to bring a cooler and some ice and swing by Steveston on the way home!
 One of the boats.  Remi's favourite subject for photography, I think!
 Ann had a great view from her hotel over English Bay and Stanley Park.  The pictures of the view weren't stellar but these portraits were pretty good! 
Looking manly in plaid ;)

The visit was brief but very nice!

Around the yard - spring 2012

We haven't posted a blog in far too long!!  Today I'll post a few as a quick update of life lately...

First, goings on around the 32141 Sandpiper Place property!!

A new toy for Remi

Remi bought a router.  The plan is to make picture frames.  Lots of them!

New Garden!

Ok, this was hard work! I was expecting to quickly dig up and plant this in an afternoon but was I ever wrong!  Two days later and with some hubby help it was finally planted!

Right now this garden is in full bloom (except the geraniums - they never do much for me!) and the rose bush is covered in lovely pink flowers!

Spring has sprung!

This spring has been very kind to us!  The weather has been stunning and at times, quite hot!  We've been able to get out and enjoy the garden much earlier this year than last.

From our cherry trees...
 The trees are covered in fruit right now.  As long as the weather continues to cooperate, we should have quite the cherry crop this year!

The following are pictures from the deck.  I picked wild flowers from around the garden for vases for a BBQ we had on the May long weekend and they looked quite pretty in the setting sun.  This was one of the nice, warm evenings that we were able to have dinner outside!

More photos from the garden to come!  I've planted out most of our veggies/fruit and if this rain ever stops, I'll get out and take some pictures of the little plants so that I can post several blogs on how they grow up over the summer.

Happy spring, everyone!