Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Mom and Dad West visit!

 Mom and Dad arrived in BC on a (you guessed it) rainy day!  They actually flew in on Remi's birthday :)

Our first stop, Stanley Park!  Then over to Lynn Canyon to check out the suspension bridge.
After those quick stops in the city, it was off to Mission!!  A quick house tour led into Christmas, part II.  Rosie was very interested in this part ;)

On the following day we headed out to just below the hydro-electric dam at Hayward Lake for some eagle viewing.  Each year gazillions of eagles feast on migrating salmon.  We were very fortunate to have a brazen juvenile eagle who wouldn't let us interrupt his lunch.  We were able to snap some great photos.
 Watch your step!
We kept active with daily walks.  The weather actually cooperated for the whole week!  This was on the Matsqui Trail along the Fraser River.
We did find the time to relax a lot too!!
And to misbehave!  (wouldn't let my dog rest her head on the kitchen table!)
I also put Mom to work in the garden - yes, gardening in January!  She was unfortunate enough to get a blister as well!  The last time Ann and Alain visited, weeding our front lawn resulted in a blister for Ann.  Lesson: if you visit Remi and Sarah, bring gardening gloves!
I also took Mom and Dad out to Hayward Lake.  This is where Remi, Maggie and I cool off in the summer.  Also a nice spot for a walk on a sunny winter day!
Pitt Lake visit from later in the week.  We did a lot of walking!
 Mom insists on taking photos of park signs - I decided to take a picture of her WITH a park sign instead ;)
 This is one of the few pictures where Maggie doesn't look completely retarded - she insists on barking constantly whenever we stop!!  A few action shots were caught, but this is a much nicer family photo ;)
 I just love the next photo!  It was starting to cloud over as we were leaving.  Snow was in the forecast!
On our last day we visited the Aviation Museum at the Langley Airport.  It snowed the previous day as was promised!
I should mention that in addition to sight-seeing, Dad helped Remi install a fan in our bathroom and hooked us up with a satellite dish so now we have TV!  We also indulged in fantastic food and lots of beer ;)
We were able to get Mom, Dad and Rosie (who was an angel on her first flying adventure) safely to the airport on Sunday morning despite a snow storm and the city of Richmond being completely ineffective at snow removal on the highway. (I only thought we were going to die once or twice on the drive...)  

We look forward to your next visit!!  Visit soon :)


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