The coho were running, so the eagles and gulls were out for a feast. We brought Maggie, and she rolled in one, which makes for an interesting car ride home.
Blogger is being an idiot, so this will be short. Here's some gulls.
Some plants.
Mom and Sarah on the couch.
We did this before the previous photo, anyhow: off to cut a Christmas tree.
He wouldn't let me use a chainsaw.
It only fell off the car once on the way home.
It only took an hour to untangle the lights.
Sarah being proud of herself. For the record, she's sitting over my shoulder censoring me.
Decorating our tree.
This is shortly before it fell over (at midnight, when we were asleep), spilling water and Christmas decorations all over the living room.
Remi you are so dramtic. HAHAHAHA
And Sarah put that damn gun away.
Love Mom
hahaha aww u guys are cute. our cat knocked down our tree too if it makes u feel better. broke a bunch of our bulbs
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