Sunday, August 29, 2010

Alouette Mt.

With Sarah away, I got bored (didn't take long), so Maggie and I headed to Alouette Mountain in Golden Ears Provincial Park for a short (22km) walk. This is the view from the summit. Usually I prefer something nicer, but we can see this mountain from our house, so now I can at least say I've climbed that bump.

I had lunch here, so I played with my camera while my legs came back to life. I got to the trailhead at 8:30, so everything was still covered with dew. By the time I reached the summit I was soaked through. Luckily, few people try this trail (wimps), so I could sit in my underwear while everything dried off (no pictures of that - sorry).

 Another picture from the summit. Looking north.

This is Blanchard Peak. A bit too extreme for my taste, but it makes for a nice view.
Maggie did pretty well for an old girl. I thought I'd poop her out, but she was still game for a walk this morning. This is her in the backyard this morning.

That's all I've been up to so far, I may go camping next weekend though, we'll see how that goes.


1 comment:

alain Masson said...

La photographie en noir et blanc c'est ce qu'il y a de mieux en general, mais pour les photos de montagne c'est vraiment le top (si je puis dire!)
Tres chouettes.