Sunday, February 08, 2009

New year's and recent walk

This is from a walk near Lillooet, where we stayed with friends for New Year's celebrations. it was a nice relaxing trip away from Stink-Town (Vancouver). We spent our days hiking about and our nights eating: a good combo.

We've been seeing eagles everywhere recently, they spend a lot of time near the coast in the winter. It's rare to see one this close though, so this was pretty neat.

Today we went to the Reifel Bird Sanctuary, which qualifies as homework for me, which is pretty neat. It got us out of the house for a quiet walk without Maggie (she's not allowed in). This one above is an American Wigeon (I hope).

A boring woodpecker.

The birds were pretty tame.

A gull doing a civic service: eating an invasive fish.
That's it for now...

1 comment:

SophistiKat said...

Umm, woodpeckers are not boring.