Thursday, July 19, 2007

Elaho River Camping

We cheated for this one and drove right in to a site (for free) on the Elaho River just outside of Squamish. Sarah's friends Keith and Nick showed us the way, because there's a only a slim chance that we would have found this place on our own.
The site was modest, but far enough from the road and close enough to the river to be comfortable. Because we drove right in we were also allowed certain luxuries, which was nice.
This river is glacier fed, so surprisingly it was ice cold. Literally. It was all we could do to get to the small island (shoal) on the other side. Because it was also opaque, I had no idea how deep it was, so the rope was merely a safety precaution.
From that island we had better views of the surrounding landscape, that has so far been somewhat spared from recent logging.
This was the last of my Cape Scott beard. I've since shaved it off.
A glacier we could see across the river. Get a good look, global warming will make short work of it.
I like this picture because the water looks like ice, which is what it felt like.
I like this picture becuase it's cool. See the sun dog?
On the drive out there were some terrific views of mountains, including this one, that for lack of better information we assumed was named forbidding peak of death and doom.
And the river one last time before we get back to stinky civilization.


SophistiKat said...

Remi, you had a nice bit of mountain man scruff going on there. Good work.

I'm surprised you both were so scantily clad despite the freezing water.

Keeping your advice in mind about the glaciers, maybe I'll be able to visit this fall, before they are all gone.

Anonymous said...

You sure have a great camera, you should print some of the pics off and frame them.

love mom