Monday, April 30, 2007


Sarah a finallement recommencer ses études (informelles) de français, donc j'essaye un peu aussi de mon côté.
Je reviens tout juste du sommet du Mont Seymour, qui surplombe Vancouver. Dans la photo à droite, Maggie surveille la vallée derrière la montagne, et on discerne un peu la ville à droite.

En arrivant au sommet, j'ai remarqué quelques aigles. Malgré la proximité, c'est la seule photo plus ou moins réussie. Malheuresement, ils n'avaient pas encore leur plumage adulte...

Je suis probablement le seul qui utilise encore les raquettes en bois. Le style moderne en plastique et en aluminium est plus léger et efficase, mais où est le charme?

La semaine dernière je me suis promené autour de la base du Mont Seymour... Moins interessant, mais quand même une bonne promenade. Et c'est tout. J'espère que mon français n'est pas trop nul...


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


So I should be studying, but I thought I would take a moment to share my misery with all of you... FINALS!!! How I dislike them!! I feel so incredibly bogged down right now with attempting to jam an entire semester's worth of drugs in my head (my next final is pharmacology), not to mention the impending doom of thermodynamics on Friday, then ANATOMY next week!! Why me??

Other than that, all is well ;) Starting my new job (hopefully) on the 30th and we'll have a new car by Thursday!

Hope everyone is well at home and elsewhere :)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

New Car!

Well, strictly speaking, it's not ours yet. But we have a deposit on it, so it's just a matter of time now. We have a meeting this coming Thursday to seal the deal. It's pretty much our old car, but in red. With four doors. Way less mileage. And it's two years younger. We figure it's a good deal.
Hopefully we don't get hosed.


P.S. Now that we'll have a car, we'll be able to resume our adventures and we'll get plenty of interesting pictures.

Friday, April 06, 2007

T-Shirt weather!

Other than ICBC accepting that they were completely unreasonable, we don't have a great deal of news. The weather is slowly getting better, so I'm able to bike to work most days, which not only saves me some big bucks, but is also dragging me out of my winter torpor.
We had Sarah's childhood friend Melanie visit us last Sunday, so we bummed around downtown Vancouver showing her the sights and sounds (including our world-famous crackheads... er, pardon, homeless ladies and gentlemen). Sadly I forgot the camera so we don't have any pictures of the stuff we did. A shame, because there is a very nice and relatively quiet Chinese garden downtown complete with koi and turtles and bonzai that is well worth visiting.
Because we don't have a car right now (see previous posts), we are completely incapable of doing anything cool (e.g. hikes on the north shore), so I'll attach a couple of pictures from around here.
These are from today in Falaise Park. Not much really, but at least if you look beyond the Big Smoke you can get the idea that there is some hope left for the mainland. Still, we can't wait to get back to the island.
I've been raving about the macro capabilities of our new camera to just about anyone who will listen, and here is another fine example. Just a boring dandelion, but up close it looks great. go ahead, click on it. Admire the detail.
And that's about it for now. I promise that once we have a new car our posts will become more frequent and more entertaining.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Remi is a bit of a deadbeat, seeing as it's actually his turn to post, but that's ok. We have a new camera so he's been taking a lot of pictures that he really needs to post on here. It's a great camera, but I'll let him tell you about it.

I'm here to tell you about ICBC and our car. Good news came out of it in the end. We just have to pay what we owe, instead of their ridiculous penalty fee, so we end up getting just over $7000 for the car. It's time to start car shopping! We are now accepting advice on how to pick out a used car. Leave us messages!

This is just a short post. It's a friend of mine's birthday so I'm sticking around on campus to celebrate with him and a bunch of friends. Should be a good time. The semester is almost over which means I'm almost done first year!! Also a good thing to celebrate.

Anyway, I hope you're all well :)
