Sunday, January 14, 2007


The terrarium is finally set up. It not only provides a better home for our poor Betta, it also brings a touch of life into Sarah's office. Now I need a new hobby.



Anonymous said...

Hi - who's Betta!!!!!

We need to blow this photo up so we can see what's in it

Or get new glasses ....

We love your blog - and yes we do look at it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Ann/Remi's mommy

Anonymous said...

Hi Kids,

I loved your family picture of the 3 of you. Sorry but "Your Daughter" was alittle hard to see! I too would like to know who "BETTA" is?? Miss you guys.
Love Aunt Shelley XOXO...

Anonymous said...

Haha, you can't see him, but we have a male siamese fighting fish in there. They're also called "betas". His name is Thadeus ;)
