Monday, December 04, 2006


It's been a while since my last post, but I've been busy, and Sarah hogs the computer because of "school". But I'm here, at last. Things are going great out here. We've had one sunny day in the last month & 300+mm of rain (that's a lot... 3x average), the computer is dying, I had to replace the battery in the car, and now the brakes are on the fritz. 'Tis the season.
Despite it all, we're still having fun. We went to Cypress Falls yesterday for a little hike, and it turned out to be a lot of fun. The weather held and we had a good time, despite the fact that Sarah always complains about having to walk uphill (she chose the wrong province I think, perhaps southern Saskatchewan would be more appropriate). We only ran into one other person and it makes me happy that I don't have to run into everyone and their brother when I want a quiet hike.

Sarah just got home, so I'll break the news to her about the ABS... Yay me.



Anonymous said...

Well it sure is beautiful as shown in the pics, sounds like Sarah enjoyed the hike also.
Well I say snow is better than rain.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Ok thats it! Chris and I have to go on a hike with you guys....we are such a boring couple compared to you adventurers!