Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas time!

Sarah and I have finished all our shopping and wrapping about a week ago, and now we're basking in the easy to do last minute stuff like cooking, hiking, and napping. Well, actually, Sarah is watching some insipid interview with our fearless and intrepid prime minister. But the fact remains, we're maxin' and relaxin' around here.
If you didn't receive a Christmas card from us, this is the picture we sent:
If somehow we missed you, well, it was a tragic oversight...

Have a terrific Christmas (or holiday of choice) and all the best in the new year.

RĂ©mi & Sarah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I was one of the lucky ones to receive this special card, guess I have a little pull or something, Thanks.
I enjoyed the lovely gifts i received and being able to open them via webcam.
It sure was not the same as having yu all here.

love mom xoxox