Sunday, November 26, 2006

We aren't in Vancouver anymore...

I noticed in my last post that I was complaining about not having rubber boots... Well, things have changed! I'm thankful for my full-size snowmobile boots! Vancouver has had record snow fall over the last two days. The island too, actually. It's insane! There's at least 6-7 inches of accumulation out there right now. The roads are slushy and many aren't plowed and I guess therein lies why UBC often closes for snow days... The buses don't run when the roads are icy. Imagine if it was like that in Guelph!! We'd never be at school! (I guess the funniest thing about that was that Guelph never closed, even if the buses WERE cancelled.)

So anyway, I've been taking pictures. The first few are of the mountains Saturday morning. This was before the "snow" hit the fan (haha).

These next few are from this morning. CRAZY! And it continued to snow ALL DAY.

Maggie obviously thought it was the greatest thing that's ever happened in her ENTIRE life ;)

Anyhoo, so that's what's new with us! Hopefully tomorrow will be a snow-day for me. Remi has the day off, as he's now working Tuesday to Saturday for his work week. The last day of school for me is Friday!! VERY exciting. I've made it through term I! Only 3 1/2 years to go ;) Oh, and exams, I guess.

Well, bye bye for now!


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Testing, testing...

I haven't been able to see our blog for a couple days, so this is just a test to see if updating it fixes it.

But while I'm here... IT'S POURING OUT HERE!! I've never seen anything like it. Flooding, evacuations, mudslides!!!! It's insane. And insanely wet. I need to buy rubber boots!!

I hope everything is well with all our readers ;)


Monday, November 13, 2006

Mt. Seymour (butts)

I had originally planned to head towards Whislter this weekend so that we could see the mountains and potentially some snow. Unfortunately, I forgot that this is BC, and it pretty much never gets nice here for the period of 5 or 6 years between November and April. So figuring we could go for a hike anyways, we put on our stoutest rain gear (it was pouring) and took off for Mt. Seymour (elevation ~ 1000m) just outside of Vancouver. Then, partly up the hill, the rain turned to snow. We were in the clouds, so visibility was about 100m at the best of times, but we decided to push on anyways. By the time we got to the parking lot at the top, the whole area was completely covered in snow. We figure two feet at least. Not bad for Vancouver. We were afraid of getting lost, so we didn't get to go for much of a walk, but we hiked up part of a ski hill and let Maggie run around in the snow.

After having been up there for about 5 minutes, I decided that snowshoes would make a terrific Christmas present (hint hint). There are probably also some places up there where I can go play with my cross-country skis. I can't wait for a nice day (if/when).
