Sunday, July 30, 2006

Photos, con't

I had to force myself into this position. The cliff was straight down god knows how far. That small lake to my right, that's not even the bottom. Freaky.

This is another panoramic from the campground. As you can tell from the clouds, it later rained.

But the rain wasn't all bad. It forced us into the tent away from the KILLER BLACKFLIES! I've NEVER seen bugs like that in all my life! We're soooooooooo itchy!

Luckily, I used my outdoorsman skills to build this superb lean-to. We were nice and dry. Although the blackflies were so thick we both ate at least a few dozen.

This was a pretty stupendous lean-to.

The next morning we woke up to some light mist on the lake. So we took 3489274234 pictures. This is one of the best.

The mountains in the interior were just peaking through the clouds as the haze burned off in the morning. Again, this is a view from our campsite. We saw this at breakfast, what did you see?

Sarah crawls out of bed.

The view gets better still.

Breakfast on Sunday.

Beautiful. I don't think we could have taken enough pictures to do it justice (we took like 2500 of this same thing).

They built lots of boardwalks to protect the plants and wildlife. As a result, we were able to walk somewhat faster than 2km/h. Not bad.

The boardwalks were great. We actually made really good time on this trek. We kept talking about how much pain we would be in if we were doing the same distances on the Juan de Fuca ;)

Winding mountain paths.

More meadows...

This is just past Mt. Washington, the local ski hill. Note the clearcut just beyond the edge of the park. The logging companies like to keep all the forests nice and short. Nothing is sacred to those heartless bastards.

It was a blast anyway ;) You all need to come out for a visit! There is nowhere in the world quite like this, I don't think. We drove just over an hour to get there and look what we saw! Incredible! I can't wait to move back to the island.

Remi and Sarah


Anonymous said...

Hey kids!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm following the blog, it's nice to keep track of what everyone is doing! It seems like we're all spread out these days. I am living vicariousely through your photographs, I can't wait until I can experience it all myself :)
Take Care,
Sarah R.
ps...thoroughly enjoy the black vs purple commentary

Anonymous said...

what agreat weekend you guys had, the scenery is gorgeous, breathtaking.

I love this site
