Monday, June 01, 2009


For those of you who haven't heard yet, I decided to propose to Sarah yesterday, so I figured we'd go to Lighthouse Park, one of our favourite places in the city. I won't give too many details, as Sarah has been thoroughly enjoying spreading the news around.....

Remi strikes me as a little nonchalant in this post!! He's been so calm and collected for the last couple of days. In fact, he apparently had the ring for a couple weeks and had been contemplating this since February and I had NO IDEA!! I was quite surprised and obviously thrilled. The only downside is that my ring was a 1/2 size too big and is now back at the jeweler until July (we're heading to Indonesia Friday).

So, I'm sure all the ladies out there are wondering how it all went down... We were having dinner, well, I was eating anyway, but it didn't strike me as odd that Remi wasn't eating anything... Then he pulls out this little box and says "I did something kind of bad while you were away..." At this point I'm thinking, ooh earrings! (I had already been let down at Christmas with a little gift that didn't turn out to be a ring) Anyway, I opened the box, looked inside - closed the box. Looked at Remi, opened the box again and said (in classic Sarah) "SHUT UP!" Not exactly romantic ;) I then proceeded to gush for a couple minutes (Remi sat there quietly) and then I said "Oh, I guess you want to hear me say "YES"!" And so I did ;) And that is how it happened. The poor guy didn't have time to utter his "will you marry me" speech (which I guess he'd been working on). Hehe. Anyway, I've had a perma-smile for two days, obviously. And, not surprisingly, a good chunk of people that we've told have said something along the lines of: "about time!" But don't worry, Remi. Doesn't matter when it happened, you did a good job - I was surprised AND I ADORE the ring :)

And that's the story of our proposal!