Monday, October 16, 2006

Our house

A lot of people have been asking where we live and in what kind of squalor and what it looks like, so I decided to take a few pictures today because it was actually nice outside! I thought for SURE it was going to rain and be miserable all week. You never know just what the weather is going to do in this crazy province! But I digress... Here's a look at our house and our neighbourhood.

First of all, the big monstrosity in which we live. Our apartment makes up only about half of the basement area of this baby!! CRAZY. Most of the house in our neighbourhood are giant and have no yards. Our landlords actually just PAVED their backyard. We're not sure why...

Here's the living room/kitchen area. Note our mascot sitting beside the fishtank. It gets quite dark in here when it's overcast and in the evenings.

This is our bathroom. It's quite a bit bigger than Nanamio and has a bathtub!!! VERY exciting.

I didn't include pictures of our bedroom because it's very small and it was hard to get a good angle. To give you an idea of size, we can barely fit the queen sized bed and two bedside tables in there, and we've had to put the dresser in the closet. Below is my office. It's perfect for me with my desk and the futon. I can also shut Remi out, which is nice when I need to concentrate. Makes me really miss working full-time when I have to watch him sit around and do nothing all weekend ;)

The steps down into our place. Note the toys. Also note the drain and how there's water draining into in... All the water off the landlord's roof drains down into our entryway before going down the drain. Not cool. We might speak to them about repositioning their spout.

This is the view from just out front. GORGEOUS. Despite the city in the way ;) Next to that is a picture of my favourite house in the neighbourhood. I LOVE the big plants in front (I call them banana trees although I'm not sure how accurate that is). Below that is a picture of the most flamboyant house in the neighbourhood. Very red... Fairly "stately"... And lastly, that's the field (Falaise) where we take Maggie to play off-leash. She couldn't play off-leash today because there were dogs (notably a Jack Russell named Jackie ;) ) and we're always afraid she might get grouchy, so we just walked around.

So that's that. Our little neighbourhood. I really quite like it here, despite my hour commute on the bus every day. We're definately going to stay here until the end of this school year, but we might move closer to UBC next summer.

Bye bye for now!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

If you don't comment...

Hi, everyone :) Just a quick hello from Remi and I here in beautiful BC... IF YOU DON'T COMMENT, WE WON'T KNOW THAT YOU WERE HERE!! We'd like everyone to comment. Remember, it's easy using the "anonymous" thingy under "post a comment".

Anyway, not much is new here. Remi's started his new job!! He'll need to post about that and what he's been up to, but I'm quite happy to have him home myself. He made two, yes, TWO, stews on the weekend and they were both quite yummy. It's nice having my little cook back ;) Other than that, nothing's new. We've decided to bring Maggie home with us this month when we're back in Ontario for the wedding. Should be fun ;) We have to go and buy a new crate for her, maybe this weekend, so she's flight-friendly. Speaking of which, I should reserve a spot for her on my flight! We're both (Remi and I) quite excited about getting home to see the family AND about the wedding!!

Well, I'm off to bed. Remember, post a comment and make us smile :) We get lonely out here!

Love Sarah